Electric cables

The grinding and size reduction of electric cables is entrusted to granulators and shredders which CMG supplies to companies specialised in recovery of electric cables, processing scrap, copper pipes and nonferrous materials coming from companies in the electric sector or industrial and civil demolitions and dismantling.

This recovery saves money, allows the recycle and reuse of a large amount of waste and keeps potentially dangerous materials from being released into the environment.
parallax background

During the grinding process, the cable undergoes a first shredding process to achieve size reduction and iron removal. Then the granulator creates ground material composed of plastic and copper which can undergo a subsequent dry separation of the metal from the insulating plastic by means of magnetic separators.


The task of grinding and recovering scrap coming from this particular sector, after the separation from plastic, is entrusted to CMG granulators and shredders capable of reducing the following products:
  • Ferrous materials (iron, cast iron, steel, etc.)
  • Non ferrous metals (copper, lead, zinc, aluminium, etc.)


The recovery of electric cables is performed by the plastic and metal sector, such as:
  • Copper refining foundries
  • Ferrous material foundries
  • PVC regeneration companies and plants


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