Granulators for Injection Moulding

CMG manufactures granulators for products deriving from injection moulding processes.

This is technologically advanced equipment capable of meeting all scrap recovery requirements.

During the injection moulding process, plastic first undergoes a casting process and is then injected in a closed, high pressure mould. After it cools, this transformation creates the finished product.

This process implements a high variety of finished products, from technopolymers and other thermoplastic resins, the most common of which are:

  • Polymer chlorides (PVC)
  • Polyolefins (PE, PP)v
  • Polyether imide (PEI)
  • Polysulfones (PSU)
  • Polycarbonates (PC)
  • Polyamides (PA 6, PA 66, PA 11, PA 12, PAMXD 6, PA 63T)
  • Acetal resins (POM)
  • Polyesters (PET, PBT)
  • Polyphenyl sulphur (PPS)
  • Styrolic resins (MBS, MABS, ABS, SAN, PS)
  • Acrylic resins (PMMA)
  • Polyphenol oxidase (PPO)


The task of transforming scrap coming from injection moulding into granules is entrusted to CMG granulators and shredders capable of reducing the following products:
  • Sprues
  • Plastic material processing scrap and swarf


The main application sectors are:
  • Automotive industry
  • Packaging
  • Construction
  • Optics
  • Cosmetics
  • Biomedicals
  • Electronics
  • Electric equipment industry


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