Granulators for Thermoforming

Thanks to experience built up over the years in the production of granulators suitable for grinding plastic materials, in a very short time, the new "NT" series has successfully entered a market where reliability of machines and quality of the ground material are fundamental elements.

These new granulators have low operating noise, though without sound-proofing enclosures. They are capable of grinding the entire sheet when the line starts up, as well as the sheets with thermoformed parts and plastic waste feedstock.

This is possible because of the special inclination of the blades which helps cut down energy consumption by using electric motors with limited power.

This process transforms a vast range of technopolymers into a finished product, the most common of which are:

  • ABS
  • PET
  • PS
  • PP
  • PLA


CMG granulators and shredders can meet the scrap recovery requirements of this industrial sector, obtaining the following products:
  • Waste feedstock
  • Processing swarf
  • Line start scrap


The main application sectors are:
  • Automotive industry
  • Household appliances industry
  • Packaging
  • Beverage
  • Food industry


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